Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Great Firewall of China

What is the firewall there for?
It's there to maintain balance and order, to keep illegal information away from it's citizens.

Why does China want to restrict what people can view?
Because China wants power of it's people. Freedom on the Internet is not tolerated.

What are some things that are blocked by the firewall?
Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as most/everything owned by Google. Anything that lets people share opinions and any sites that allows people to talk badly/read badly of China.

Do you agree with their choice to block these sites? Are they all bad? Are some sites good?
Well. I think it's stupid, they are just making the people be unaware and keep everyone in an unknown ignorance. They have to much pride to show who they really are, what they really were.
As for the sites, some of them are bad. But that's normal. A lot shouldn't be blocked, but again, it's their excessive amount of pride that shows through.

What is Internet censorship?
Internet Censorship; the control or suppression of accessing and publishing of information on the Internet. Usually done by government or private organizations.

How do you feel about all these shenanigans?
I personally think it's all just stupid stuff. I mean, it's the Internet. There is a lot worse stuff you can do or look up. I don't think a country should have that power. I think it's a bit to far. It kinda is an infringement of human rights, you lose the power of free speech, which is one of mans strongest weapons.
People shouldn't be afraid of it's government, the government should be afraid of it's people

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