Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mah awesome Kgo Kahootz

Okay, get ready for this!

First slide; A young girl goes to play football
Second slide; The young girl caught the football field on fire because of how good she is at football, and falls in love with her football
Third slide; She meets her dad at a strip club, and he asks if she enjoyed playing football.
Fourth slide; She tells her dad that she set the field on fire, literally
Fifth slide; In a moment of extreme anger, her father calls her head, bad.
Sixth slide; Intermission
Seventh slide; Behind her fathers back, she marries the football.
Eighth slide; After getting kicked out of home, the young girl decides to have 6 babies with the football and they are forced to live in the sewers.



Google TV?

What is it?
Well, it's a media streaming hardware/software that's going to be realeased later this year. It'll probably something like your cable/satellite box will connect to your Google TV device via HDMI cable.

What is it designed to do?
Well, as said before, stream media from websites to your tv so you can view it from the comfort of your tv, lazy ass.

How does it work?
Your cable/satellite box will connect to your Google TV device via HDMI cable. Google TV box would have a full browser and connect to the Internet via the user's WiFi or wired access, it would also bring all of the rest of the Internet to the TV as well.

Can the product features be extended through the installation of additional software?
I don't have any information on this yet, however, I see no reason why it should not.

Will it work in Tasmania?
Haha, probably not. Nah, it should, it should work all over the world. if not, WAY TO GO GOOGLE, GOOD JOB.

What do you think of this product? Good/Bad? Why?
Hnnng, so many question! Basically, lets be honest, it sounds like 'SOUNDS' like that it's nothing you can't do with your PC hooked to your TV screen. Although, it probably will have a lot more features and a lot easier to use. It should go down well with the world, I think a lot of people will buy it, I mean, who wouldn't hey? It's gonna be the next new thing! Everyone will be talking about the new episode of... I dunno, but something new. It will also help certain videos go viral, as now more people will be able to access it.

Over all, I think it's a brilliant idea, and I would love to see how it will work out in the end. Better not be massive expensive...


Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So, I have been working on a short story like thing, going pretty good so far, thinking of posting page by page when I write it. OH WAIT, SINCE NO ONE COMMENTS OR ANYTHING, YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO TAKE IT!

My the man by Haunted Shores, featuring Elliot Coleman

Enough said I think, Elliot is awesome, and well, Misha and Mark are amazing song writers.

Chest heaving, light of breath. Head spinning. He is right behind me. Mossy rocks ahead, might be a good place to hide. Crunching leaves, loud sharp breathing. Every step I take, sending me further out.

What is that noise accompining my rough loud heartbeat? The sound is as beautiful as a warm sip of delicious coffe after a long loud night. The smell of rain drifting in the air around me. Yet as I look up to the darkening canopy, there are no clouds in the heavens. Then comes the damp touch, the air is full of something, maybe the loss of blood is affecting me now.

Then it showed its beauty, a small, clean waterfall. The sight after a full day of running was as if the gods were rewarding me. Who was this man following me?

I ran down the moss covered dirt path, dodging mossy boulders. Letting the smells around me infuse in my mind, letting it take over me. I could feel the damp air heal my wounds, clean my sweart off my body. Slowly the feeling of tiredness falls over me, so very sleepy. But it's not safe here, not until I hide. Although,. there is a good chance I could find a little crevice I could fit into. Dark enough to hide anywhere. And then, I spotted a small makeshift cave made from rocks and the majestic waterfalls walls.
Cybersafety? WHAT UP RIBS?

It's so realistic, adds a whole new layer of ?Realism?

Monday, March 19, 2012

1.       What is PayPal?
2.       How expensive would it be to ship a car from Tasmania to the UK?
3.       A car costing $2650 does not sound like a collectors item, would it be worth shipping overseas?
4.       Why would Stacey want to buy this car?
5.       How could we check the authenticity of her intentions? (What is she after?)
6.       What can you find out about Stacey Maughan? (clue: use her email address)
7.       What do you suspect is happening? Why do you think this?

1. Paypal is the trusted leader in online payments, allowing buyers and buisnesses to send and recieve money online.

2. To ship out a product, it would cost roughly $240

3. I don't really know, I don't have an opinion

4. She might want to buy because she is a collector

5. She is finding out if the car is legit and not a false seller

6. She lives in the UK

7. She is being scammed and the seller isn't legit. She will be giving money to a bad bad mad

E-waste? Whatchu know?

What is E-waste?

E-waste is any old electrical appliance that's either in a state of disrepair or simply obsolete.

Why can't we just put it into the rubbish bins?

Because it's horrible to the enviroment and nearly all of electronic materials can be used re-used for new items.

What happens to E-waste items?
It gets re-used for newer and better electronic items.

Do you think it's important to dispose of E-waste? Why?
Well, because it's not only helping the enviroment, but it's also helping buisnesses and you, because of being able to get upgraded items. So yes, I think it is important to dispose of it properly, and you would be silly not to do so.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I need your halp

Ladies and gentlemen. I don't usually ask for help when it comes to things about computers or youtube etc, but I need some help and some opinions on some videos I'm doing and making

So, first up. My new youtube intro;

Second, I was thinking of not only making a Borderlands 1 Playthrough, because number 2 is coming out soon, and a Hunted: Demon's Forge playthrough, because I freaking love that game. As well as my first montage coming out this weekend (HOPEFULLY!!) So busy busy.

That's all guys, oh wait, song of the day

Dead Boys Poem by Nightwish

Amazing, manly tears were shed that day when I first listened to it. Godtier band

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oh, I haven't forgotten about you sir

No sir no, I could never forget about you, but you are not in the top 3 priorities at the moment, so I know you can wait a little for me to come back.

Yes ladies and gentleman, I have been away, doing things other then blogging, I hope you understand. What's that? You don't? Well deal with it. MOVING ON

How are things people? Everything good? How's the family? Great!

Already Dead by Cherri Bomb

Yeah? And? They are pretty damn good, if you have a problem with that, good for you. I love all kinds of music, and after hearing this song, it just makes me tingle. It's nice and refreshing I think. Up to you on what you think of not only this genre, but this band.

Dat freaking verse riff <3

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


have a NICE DAY

So Kahootz's random sound board is really freaking scary. Some of them are shouting at you and some are spontaneously loud. Over all, Kahootz is actually pretty funny, of course not meant to be used professionally, but still. Lots of fun to be honest.

Not sure what else to say, so I shall move right onto the song of the day haha

Ow my Feelings by Periphery (Instrumental)

Goddamn I want to be like Misha, he is godtier amazing when it comes to writing music and such. God he is amazing


I think you all understand

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ohey Gojira, long time no listen

So looking through my computer last night, found some random music and photoshoop stuff. Came across some old music I used to listen too. And what was there? GOJIRA DAMNIT! GO-freaking-JIRA.

So I listened... And listened... And some moarrrr listening. Oh man they are good. Almost better live. Frustrating to know that not many bands are like they are. With the amazing heavy riffing and powerful vocals and lyrics. So very heavy and rough.

Wait and Bleed by Slipknot
Oxymodius by Bulb (Misha)

This song softly rubs and tingles my djenticles. AND HATERS, there be no lyrics, so you can sit back and relax as his amazing work and effort rolls into your earholes. If a song was ever delicious, it would be this song.

^^^^^ Big link is big ^^^^^

Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh hey now, look at this!

Made you think that there was something pretty to look at, bugger sir/ma'am

Anyways. Did some work on Cyber Bullying, and it's effects on people and the person being attacked. I agree with all that was said, and I know it destroys peoples lives. Even the most little attacks can do damage. I have been attacked on a few occasions, and it really does make you feel like s**t. However, I love you all, as explained heart on the right.

Africa by Toto

Godtier song. Different people get different emotions and feelings from this song. It's amazing and I always get a little smile everytime I listen to it. Over all good song, even though it is a little bit old.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Okay guys, my bad, but not really my bad.
I had no internet access over the last few days beause I was in Melbourne for Soundwave, which can I say, was AH-MAZING.

I think I saw 17 or so bands, roughly 7 or so being in my top 20 favourite bands! Overall amazing.
Strangly enough, I saw Span and Qman there, which made the day that much more awesome.

Favourite band I saw would either be; AlterBridge, Gojira or Trivium. AAAANnndd not to mention, I bumped into Serj from System of a Down (The singer, DERP DERP) and my brother got his autograph, awesome stuff.

But enough about my weekend, lets get onto the usual stuff!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!

These Hands by Zelliack (Elliot Coleman from TesseracT, OMNOM, ex-Sky Eats Airplane and ex-Of Legends, and Zack Ordway from Sky Eats Airplane)

Words cannot describe the emotions and feelings I get, not only from this song, but all of their songs. Masterpeices, in every respect. I think I have listened to this song at least 10 times in the last 12 hours. God this is amazing haha


Let's be honest here guys, I don't actually have a story line, I literally make it up as I'm writing it. I need to sit down and work it out a little. It used to be fun to just write stupid stuff, but now, it's becoming a chore. So, give me a little and I can work out a storyline or SOMETHING more organised then what this is at the moment. Sorry, but it's got to happen. And hey, might be worth the wait. Not to mention maybe try some drawings as well, so you can see what I see when I write this stupid stuff.

So in short, sorry, but not yet, come back for this soon.